Sunday, April 29, 2012

All About Lillian

I realized yesterday that I really have not taken many pictures of Lillian, except those I take with my phone.  She is growing up so quickly.  Adeline and I were playing a game right next to her in this picture and I looked over and laughed out loud when I saw how she was sitting on the tractor trailer.  Don't know why I thought it was so funny, maybe it was the look on her face that says "Whada you lookin' at?"

Adeline thought this was hysterical.  She begged me to put the Dora "bow" in Lillian's hair and then danced around her clapping when she saw she had a ponytail.  Kinda silly if you ask me.

One minute, make that 30 seconds, I am unloading the dishwasher and the next 30 seconds Lillian has managed to crawl on the door and get comfortable.

Thank goodness all that was left were the plastic spoons and pacis.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Lillian is in training....Luke is the coach.

(I love how she moves faster at the end, no doubt running from the screaming big sister coming up behind her.)

Picture day at school.

Picture day for Lillian too.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Luke's Birthday

Luke's birthday was last Friday and we had a full day of celebrations.  April 20th is not his favorite day.  For whatever reason he is often grouchy about his birthday.  This year, I must admit, he was a much better sport.  They had a bbq lunch at his office where we thought it was a great idea to wear party hats.  Adeline thought the hats were a greaaaaaat idea.  Luke did not.

Dinner at our house with the family.

Lillian La Rue. Look at how red her hair looks here!

We gave Luke a golf flag for his birthday.

Cheater bath and tooth scrubbing.

Luke's favorite part of the day...THE red velvet cake.

Evidently it was Adeline's favorite part too.

The monkey.

Breakfast of champions. An orange and salt.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Playing catch up

I was lazy last week.  I have finally put some pictures together from the last couple of weeks.  Luke celebrated his birthday on Friday so I will post those next.  In the meantime, here are the Mini Murrays at play...

Lillian is desperate to climb the wall like her sister!

  Adeline was busy in her room while I was putting Lillian to bed.  This is what I found when I came in to her room.  Goodnight to all the babies!

Daddy took Adeline to breakfast...I am sure it was sugar-free syrup...

And lemonade wonder she was bouncing off the walls when she got home.

Adeline's first trip to the Build-A-Bear store.  

You think you know a kid...she picked the dog, a rottweiler, and added a ballerina costume.  Notice she is surrounded by the boys.  I would have pegged her for the purple princess bear.

Lillian, always so helpful, gave me a hand with the laundry.

I promise it was windy when I suggested they fly the kite...

Monday, April 16, 2012

The Weekend in Pictures

The sunbather...

The princess, more ways than one...

The Southern Belle...

What to say...

Need I say more...

The gallery....

The angel...

on the move...

Adeline and sweet Reece, our neighbor...


It was a great weekend!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Mimi was in town for Easter, as you may have seen in earlier pictures. We had a great visit with her on her last day here...very cute pictures with the girls.

Adeline was fixing a meal for Mimi in her play kitchen when Lillian "popped" in from the other room.

Adeline has recently wanted a ponytail, which is hard to do with short hair. I tried it on the top of her head and she was not happy about it, not "a low ponytail", thus the glum face.

It is hard to believe she is 93!

Adeline loves her Mimi. And I got her ponytail "right".

 The original Hattie and the Hattie Dog (yes, Luke named his dog after his grandmother)

This shows how Mimi (real Hattie) feels about Hattie (dog)


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

FINALLY...Lillian hitched a ride

Lillian usually sits in  the yard and hoots at Adeline as she drives around.  Longing to hitch a ride.  Luke finally strapped her in as co-pilot.  She loved it!

This one is funny.  Luke turned the radio on for them. (For all those who know anything about today's music, the song is "Moves Like Jagger" not "Moves Like Jenny".  Luke is a BIG American Idol fan, he thinks all music begins and ends with Jenny from the Block- he is going to run me over with the power wheels for revealing this.)

As cute as this is I do flash forward 16 years when the two of them will be best friends (hopefully!) and scooting off to school together. Makes me a bit misty eyed!

Monday, April 9, 2012

A very hoppy Easter

We had a wonderful Easter weekend.  It started with dying eggs, a process that Adeline has never really done...that she remembers.  She thought the eggs were "dying" then thought the colored liquids were juices. After a rocky start we ended up with 12 colorful eggs. 

Easter morning...let the hunt begin!

Hattie trying to keep up...

It was a a photo shoot after church.  I know the girls think I am the paparazzi.  Here are my favorite 3...

Teeny and Doc stayed for lunch...

It is snowing!

Naps then off to Nonni and Poppy's for dinner and another egg hunt.  Riley helped Adeline look for eggs...

The eggs were full...of money!

No real reason behind this picture, just thought it was sweet.

Lillian and Mimi.  She is visiting from Marion, amazing at the age of 93!

Dinner at the kids table.

Nonni is teaching the girls about the piano at an early age....

Lillian prefers to play with her feet.